Focus on Archaeological Textiles:
Multidisclipinary Approaches
Cover, Preface, Authors & List of Maps (pdf: 9,4 MB)
The Cap of St Birgitta of Sweden: research and conservation of medieval reliquary (pdf: 5,7 MB)
Mira Karttila
"Ena silkes tröya" – clothing bequests in Finnish medieval wills (pdf: 2,6 MB)
Piia Lempiäinen
Man buried in his everyday clothes – attire and social status in early modern Oulu (pdf: 9,3 MB)
Sanna Lipkin & Tiina Kuokkanen:
Understanding woollen cloth production through reconstructions: a case study from Shetland (pdf: 5,3 MB)
Carol Christiansen, Lena Hammarlund & Martin Ciszuk
Textile standards in experimental archaeology (pdf: 2,8 MB)
Krista Vajanto
From archaeological finds to high quality textile fabrics: new data from Herakleia, southern Basilicata, Italy (pdf: 8,1 MB)
Francesco Meo
Weaving relationships in areas of cultural contacts: production, use and consumption of loom weights in pre-Roman Sicily (pdf: 6,3 MB)
Alessandro Quercia & Lin Foxhall:
Tradition and transition: the technology and usage of plant-fibre textiles in Estonian rural areas in the 11th–17th centuries (pdf: 6,2 MB)
Riina Rammo
Finnish shipwreck textiles from the 13th–18th centuries AD (pdf: 4,6 MB)
Krista Vajanto
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