Fennoscandia archaeologica XX (2003)
Kristiina Mannermaa
Birds in Finnish Prehistory
Andre Costopoulos
Prehistoric flint provenance in Finland: reanalysis of southern data and initial results for the north
Hannu Takala and Tommi Sirviö
Telkkälä, Muolaa – a multi-period dwelling site on the Karelian isthmus
Colin Amundsen, Jørn Henriksen, Elin Myrvoll, Bjørnar Olsen and Przemyslaw Urbanczyk
Crossing borders: Multi-room houses and inter-ethnic contacts in Europe's extreme north
Timo Salminen
National and international influences in the Finnish archaeological research in Russia and Siberia
Notes and news
Eija Ojanlatva
A Late Iron Age silver deposit found at Nanguniemi, Inari, Finland
Book review
Tapani Tuovinen
The Burial Cairns and the Landscape in the Archipelago of Åboland, SW Finland, in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, B Humaniora 46 (2002), 315 p. Reviewed by Mika Lavento
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