Fennoscandia archaeologica XVI (1999)
Hans Bolin
Crossroads of culture. Aspects of the social and cultural setting in northern Sweden during the last two millenia BC
M.G. Kosmenko & I.S. Manjuhin
Ancient iron production in Karelia
Øyvind Sundquist
Traces of iron production in prehistoric Finnmark
David R.M. Gaimster
The Hanse in the Baltic: the archaeology of a cultural network
Notes and news
Mirja Miettinen
Finds of East Swedish Pitted Ware from the Rävåsen site in Kristiinankaupunki, Ostrobothnia
Mika Lavento
An iron furnace from the Early Metal Period at Kitulansuo in Ristiina, in the southern part of the Lake Saimaa Water System
Book reviews
Walter Lang
Otterböte. New Light on a Bronze Age Site in the Baltic. Theses and Papers in Archaeology B:4. Stockholm University 1997, 141 p. + 8 appendices. By Kenneth Gustavsson
A.M. Spiridonov
Between Artifacts and Texts. Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective. Plenum Press. New York & London 1998, 215 p. By Anders Andrén
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